Meet the team behind
The Protego Foundation!
Kathryn Henzler
Executive Director / Cofounder she/her | Kathryn has a passion for anything nerdy and vegan, and is pretty much the American Hermione, complete with brown, frizzy hair. When she was in her sophomore year in college, not only did she discover the joys of Muggle Quidditch as a Keeper on the USC Quidditch team, but she also rekindled her passion of animal rights and became vegetarian. Since then, she has volunteered her time with various animal rights organizations and demonstrations. Since graduating, she has been passionate about incorporating animal rights and veganism into other areas of her life, like music, clothing and costume design, and sports. Her post-Potter series headcanon is that Hermione became vegan. |
Valerie Short
Marketing Director she/her | Valerie fell in love with the Harry Potter series after seeing Chamber of Secrets for the first time in the theater. Since then, the series has influenced nearly every aspect of her life. During her time in film school, she worked as a witch at both the Three Broomsticks in Hogsmeade and Wiseacre’s Wizarding Equipment in Diagon Alley. From there, she joined the Universal Studios Marketing and Creative teams as a media coordinator and video editor. She loves to travel, attend conventions, and plan themed events, including her own wedding where she recreated the Great Hall – complete with a vegan Hogwarts cake! Her love for animals began in her earliest stages of life and continues to grow every day. In high school, she joined an animal rights group and immediately decided to become a vegetarian. She and her husband both completed the transition to becoming vegan together in 2020. She volunteers weekly at an animal sanctuary and has plans to adopt many more rescued animals in the near future. Valerie is a Ravenclaw and lives in Colorado with her husband and animal companions. |
CAMPAIGNS DIRECTOR she/her/they | Brittany has always been an avid reader. As a Lord of the Rings fan, she was initially skeptical of the Harry Potter series. The first three Harry Potter books were gifted to her brother in 1999, but when he did not read them, she couldn't let them sit on the shelf untouched! She quickly devoured all three and fell hard for the magical world and the characters, especially Ron. Brittany is a Hufflepuff with an affinity for helping others and a love of animals. In 2011, she went vegan and never looked back. Two years later, she started doing grassroots activism with Direct Action Everywhere. She has rescued several hens from factory farms and slaughterhouses throughout California, and in 2019, she took part in a civil disobedience by locking down at a duck farm that was criminally abusing and neglecting ducks. Brittany is also a home chef, feminist, cinephile, writer, introvert, singer, and actor with a penchant for pushing boundaries. She currently lives in Colorado with her partner. |
Elizabeth Emmert
Nonprofit Consultant she/her | Elizabeth shared the joys of the Harry Potter series with her three daughters as they grew up, taking them to the midnight book releases at local bookstores and to each long-awaited movie. She has enjoyed cosplaying Professor Minerva McGonagall in robes made for her by her daughter, Kathryn. Her favorite appearance as Professor McGonagall was at the IQA World Cup V at Randall’s Island, New York, in 2011. A proud Hufflepuff, Elizabeth earned both a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Theatre and a Juris Doctor degree from Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas. In addition, she holds a Certificate in Nonprofit Management from the Center for Nonprofit Resources in Toledo, Ohio. As a non-practicing attorney who has worked in arts nonprofit organizations for over 40 years, Elizabeth has focused on development (specializing in grant writing), marketing, special events, and nonprofit administration. She has also served as an unofficial advisor to The Protego Foundation since its inception. |
Elise Myslinski
Campaigns Coordinator she/her | Elise couldn’t have known when she sat down to watch Earthlings in 2015 that she would proclaim herself a vegan 90 minutes later, but in a way, her entire life had been building to that moment. Similarly, as a kid, she couldn’t understand why everyone loved Harry Potter so much until she gave it a chance and, of course, fell in love with the story herself. Revisiting the books as a vegan gave them a whole new meaning and she now perpetually rereads them, taking lengthy notes on how the story relates to Muggle issues. Elise is also passionate about environmentalism and lives a minimalist, low-waste lifestyle. She has a feisty Hufflepup, Jolie, who partakes in Elise’s quest to watch the scariest movies she can find (as long as snacks are available). In her free time, Elise writes horror stories with the hopes of scaring everyone vegan. |
Melanie Aarnio
Podcast Editor & Patreon Coordinator she/her | Melanie grew up in Germany, where she discovered her love for Harry Potter in 1999 by simply being dared to read the book. Ever since that day, she connected to the stories very deeply and reading became a very important aspect of her life. This resulted in her rarely leaving the house without having a book in her bag, since you never know where an opportunity to dive right back in will arise! When she moved to Finland, she adopted a little bunny named Possu (finn. = Piggy), who became the spark she needed to lead her to become a vegetarian (and eventually vegan in 2018). She has built a group for bunny friends where she educates others on proper welfare and health, leading by example with her two long eared fluffs, Panda and Pumpuli. You can often find her admiring the strangest looking beasts and devouring vast amounts of potatoes (she is German, after all!) Melanie also directs, produces, and edits her own Harry Potter podcast called PuffCast. |
Rikki Saydman
Graphic Designer she/her | Rikki remembers the day when she first fell in love with the Harry Potter series. She was five, struggling to learn how to read, and her father suggested they read Sorcerer’s Stone out loud together. Rikki was sure that it was “too scary” for her, but relented. As he read the first sentence, Rikki knew she was hooked. After that, Harry Potter became one of the first books that gave way to her love of reading. Rikki has been surrounded by animals her entire life and they have made a huge impact on who she is today. From dogs, to hamsters, to rabbits, to birds, Rikki has been blessed to have been loved by so many animals. Making sure animals are treated well is a cause close to her heart. Rikki has a BA in Communication Studies and Graphic Design from Chapman University and she’s working on becoming a children’s book designer. When she’s not having Harry Potter marathons or going to the Wizarding World, Rikki is listening to music, playing with her dog companion, and spending time with her family. |
Halley Powell
Video Editor she/they | Halley was introduced to the Harry Potter series upon viewing a portion of a film as a young child that featured “two doggies - one of them was mean and the other one was nice.” (Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban…and one of them was definitely not a dog). From there, Harry Potter took root as an integral facet of Halley’s childhood as a near omnipresent force, from the books and movies to video games and Halloween costumes. When Fantastic Beasts came out in 2016, she fell in love with Nifflers and has since amassed a large collection of them, one of whom has his own Instagram account. A lifelong animal lover, she became vegetarian in 2017 and transitioned to veganism in 2020. Much like Newt Scamander, Halley’s home is full of animal friends, but in the form of cats and turtles instead of magical creatures…unless you count the dozens of Nifflers. |
Alison Embry
Marketing Coordinator she/her | Alison has been a Harry Potter fanatic ever since the Sorcerer's Stone book debuted. She has gallivanted off to The Wizarding World multiple times and attended every movie release dressed to the nines in wizarding garb. Along with her love for her dog Luna (named after Miss Lovegood, of course), she has had a lifelong passion for animals and sustainability. Alison went vegan after being a vegetarian for four years. She is excited to continue the crusade for protection and activism for all creatures and walks of life through community and outreach to Muggles and wizards alike. |
Markisha Pelissier
Executive Assistant she/her | Markisha first read the Harry Potter books in first grade in order to rival the top reader in her class. A few years later, she revisited them and fell in love with the world and all the interesting characters. This quickly led to the start of her love of reading, which has continued into her adulthood. Her love of animals also began in first grade when she met her dog, Goodwin. Since then, she's enjoyed volunteering with organizations devoted to animal rights and fighting back against animal cruelty. Markisha is a current college student and a ballet dancer who loves to read, write, meet new people, bake, and learn new things. |
Kalyn Potter
Community & Programs Coordinator she/her | Kalyn is a Texas native loving and living life as an expat in the Irish countryside. She has been a bookworm as long as she can remember, with her first fandom being Harry Potter. Once Kalyn read the books, she was hooked. She developed a deep love of the magical world (and other magical worlds beyond HP), diving further into the fandom by spending hours on online forums and researching possible theories for what the next book might hold. Beyond a love for the fictional magical world, Kalyn has long since seen magic in the everyday - struck by awe at the beauty of our planet and the animals that inhabit it. Kalyn went planet-based at a young age and has evolved her ideology to incorporate perspectives on personal health and sustainability. A primary anchor for her will forever be compassion for animals and a recognition that all beings have rights that should be fought for. When looking for Kalyn, you'll find her with a book (often of magical origin), her feline familiar, and her husband - hiking, sea swimming, or watching with rapt attention as the local foxes play games in her yard. |
Rachel Montanye
Finance & Development coordinator she/her | Rachel has always loved the Harry Potter films, but it wasn’t until 2020, when she first read the books, that she fell completely in love with the Wizarding World. She is a proud Ravenclaw and her favorite character is Hermione. Rachel relates to her a lot, especially when she introduces S.P.E.W., seeing as she is also passionate about social justice and compassion towards all beings. Rachel has always loved animals and went vegetarian when she was 13. A couple years later, she bought The Kind Diet by Alicia Silverstone and it changed her life. After reading it, she decided she would go vegan when she started college. In 2013, on her first day at UC Irvine, she went vegan. Shortly after, she joined an animal rights club and later became the club president. She was also a peta2 campus representative and an activist with the Orange County chapter of Direct Action Everywhere. She even adopted two beautiful rats, Sherlock and Shylo, who were rescued from a lab. In addition to advocating for total liberation, Rachel loves to read, garden, rewatch her favorite TV shows, and create art. |
Asa Kaur
Finance Assistant she/her | Asa was born into a vegetarian household, and she began making the switch to a plant-based lifestyle in 2016 after discovering the realities of the dairy industry on social media. This decision was deeply rooted in the desire to align her actions with her spiritual beliefs and ethics. Since then, she has worked with numerous vegan charities based all over the world, passionately advocating for animal rights and dedicating her time to dismantling the factory farming system as it stands today. With a strong background in fundraising, Asa takes a pragmatic approach to charity finance, a skill set she likes to think would earn her the approval of even Gringotts’ most discerning goblins! A proud Gryffindor, Asa discovered the Harry Potter series during primary school and instantly became captivated by the characters and the enchanting wizarding world. Growing up in the UK, Asa has always been surrounded by the cultural magic of Harry Potter. She treasures every re-read of the books and re-watch of the films, which still evoke the same wonder and excitement as the first time! |
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Meet our Board of Directors
Kathryn Henzler - Matthew Braun - Ali Matthews - Toni Marsteller - Parth Parekh - Nicole Hering - Miguel Stonecipher
In January of 2015, Tylor co-founded The Protego Foundation with his friend, Kathryn Henzler, with the goal of making the wizarding fandom a more compassionate place for animals. Tylor led the way during Protego's first 9 years of successes, which included the agreement from Warner Bros. to never use live owls in future productions, the addition of multiple hot entrees at The Wizarding World of Harry Potter, and the ground-breaking decision from Universal to introduce fully Vegan Butterbeer.
Alumni & Additional Contributors